This website has been built to allow me to share my paintings with relatives and friends. I have been painting for approximately 8 years but I do not paint regularly as I simply do not seem to have enough quality time to do so on a regular basis.
The website is divided into several pages which correspond to different styles or subjects. There are a couple of additional pages: one with links, and one which allows to send e-cards using some of my paintings and other pictures.
The categories are listed at the top of the screens or on the right side of the front page. Updates will be added on the front page as they happen so if you like what you see, keep an eye open for new additions.
12/03/2002 - The forum's up and running again so don't leave me alone with the echo of my messages. And Liverpool, I want to see a win tomorrow 14/06/2002 - I have added three paintings - one in Places - Human Environment, one in Monochromes and one in Abstract; and I've changed a couple of photos, notably the Venice painting. Enjoy 07/10/2002 - New photos, just the three of them. Check Landscapes, Monochromes and Sketches and Ideas. Hopefully a few more paintings will be added soon.

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